I am interested in:
- Electron and magnetotransport properties of III-V group semiconductor materials,
- 2D and bulk scattering mechanisms involved in III-V materials,
- Growth and characterization of Graphene single, bilayer and trilayers.
- Electron transport properties of epitaxially grown Graphene on SiC,
- Self consistent Schrödinger-Poisson device simulations, analytical calculations of III-V group semiconductors,
- 2DEG properties of ZnO based heterostructures
- Education in nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Making science understandable to a broad audience
Project Memberships
2014-2016 Joint grant of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and RFBR of Russia, 113F364, “Manipulation properties of two-dimensional electronic gas using insitu surface passivation of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy”, Scholar, Budget: 282 910 TL (approximately 100k €)
Professional Services
Reviewer: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Journal Alloy and Compounds.
“The properties of two-dimensional electron gas in “band engineered” GaN-based HEMT systems with different front and back barrier layers”, International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland, Feb 17th, 2015.
“GaN tabanlı Çift Kanallı Yüksek Elektron Hareketlilikli Transistörlerin (DC-HEMTs) Eniyileştirilmesi (in Turkish)” Semiconductor Technologies Advanced Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, Feb 25th, 2009.
“What is Nanotechnology?”, Ve Ateş Bulundu Radio Programme, TRT Radyo 1, Sep 20th 2012.
“Nanotrend Concept and Nanotechnology Strategies in Turkey”, III. National Nanotechnology Congress, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Feb 27th 2014
I scored in the 3rd place in a competition for physics senior students and held at Bilkent University at May 15th, 2010.
2010 – … Project Coordinator, Kuark Physics Work Group.
2003 – … Founder, Kuark Science Community
2008-2014 Project Coordinator, a group of students known as the Kuark Molecular NanoScience Research Group.
2008 Organizing Committee, Gazi University Physics Days.
2006-2012 Editor, NetBilim Popular Science Magazine.